Peach Stuffed Chicken

Peach Stuffed Chicken



Place each chicken breast between 2 sheets of wax paper and pound with a mallet or use rolling pin to flatten.  Cut chicken breasts in ½ or into approximately 2 ½” wide slices so that when rolled will be appetizer size.  Set aside.  Place ham slices down and in the center of each slice, place a peach slice, 1 tablespoon Peach Honey and 1 teaspoon of mozzarella cheese.  Roll this mixture on chicken breast.  Roll up chicken breast and place seam side down in highly greased baking dish.  Place chicken breasts close together to prevent them from unrolling.  Bake for 20 minutes at 350.  Remove from oven and top each chicken breast with 1 tablespoon of Peach Honey.  Return to 350 oven for 15 minutes more.


Peach Honey:

5 med.-size fresh peaches, peeled and sliced

2 T. honey

1 T. cornstarch

1 T. lemon juice

¼ C. water

½ tsp. almond extract

Process peaches in a food processor or blender until smooth.  Combine peaches and honey in saucepan.  Mix together cornstarch, lemon juice and water, add to peach puree and heat until thick and bubbly.  Stir in almond extract.  Use with Peach Stuffed Chicken recipe, over ice cream or pancakes.  Makes eight 2-ounce servings.